If you’ve got a million-dollar idea stuck in your head, launched a course but sales are crickets, or if you’re totally lost on what you could even teach! 


Monetize Your Passion: Turn your skills and passion into a cash-generating course that could earn you $100k+ a year.

Create Irresistible Offers: Learn to craft courses that have your audience running for their wallets.

AI-Powered Course Creation: Discover how to use AI to brainstorm, validate, and refine your course idea effortlessly.

Crush Self-Doubt: Break through mindset blocks and launch your course with confidence and clarity.

Sales Systems That Work for You: Automate your sales process, so you’re making money while living life.

Unfiltered Success Secrets: Get insider tips and strategies I’ve never shared before to fast-track your income goals.

What you'll learn for free

Whether you’re a wellness coach, photographer, meal prep queen, or just really good at getting your kids to listen without raising your voice—this workshop is for YOU!

And if you’re thinking, “But Jenni, I have no clue what I’d even teach!”—don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’ll show you exactly how to uncover your perfect course topic!

I’m talking to you, girlfriend.

🥂 Imagine this: It’s December 31st, and you’re not just celebrating the new year—you’re celebrating the launch of your online course that’s already bringing in cash while you sleep. 💸

No more “is this even possible?” No more doubts.

This is real, and it’s happening!

This is your fast track to getting crystal clear on your course concept, content, and sales strategy.

This isn’t just another WEBINAR—

I’ll show you how to use AI to make the whole process easy, even if you’ve never done anything like this before. Expect live interaction, hands-on exercises, and feedback tailored to YOU.









I'm Jenni. Your new
BFF + Business Coach.

I remember a time not too long ago when I was working every weekend, staying up all night trying to catch up, and getting up in the morning feeling like I was hit by a bus. I loved my job with all my heart but I loved my family more...and something had to change. 

So I decided that maybe I could share my passion, skills, and experience with others. I mean, I'd cracked the code on scaling my business to 6-figures in less than one year...surely SOMEONE could benefit.

Newsflash: They did. And now? My coaching business brings in over $1M each year ($300k from passive income online courses) ... all because I decided to share what I know with badass women like yourself. Now it's your turn!

sign me tf up


Join me on Tuesday, September 17th at 11 am EST

This is a LIVE and completely free workshop where I’ll spill the tea on using AI (without sounding like a bot) to make your course idea irresistible AF and your sales strategy unstoppable.

This is NOT the same old stuff every coach out there is teaching. This is next level, and it’s your ticket to turning your passion into an extra $100k+ per year.

sign me tf up