JOIN ME FOR 3 days IN colorado October 8-10, 2024

Whether you’ve just launched or are about to, this retreat will equip you with the sales strategies and confidence to turn your vision into a highly profitable reality.

You’re ready to make it happen.

Gain Unshakeable Clarity and a No-BS Action Plan: Walk away with a solid, no-fluff game plan that will get you there. This is for women who are ready to put in the work and make their dreams happen.

Scale to an Extra $100K+ Per Year on Autopilot: Leverage your skills and knowledge to build an income stream that runs like clockwork, adding six figures to your bottom line without burning out. If you’re driven to create lasting success, this is your roadmap.

Leverage Your Existing Offers for Maximum Impact: Take the offers you’ve already created and turn them into irresistible, high-converting products that have your audience eager to hit "buy." It's time to make your offers work harder for YOU.

Imagine the freedom of knowing exactly how to market and sell your course or coaching program with confidence.

Picture hitting your income goals with ease, reducing your workload, and spending more time doing what you love.

This is the transformation waiting for you at The Next Level Retreat.

It’s not just about learning—it’s about implementing, scaling, and thriving.


Master Authentic Selling Without the Sleaze: Ditch the awkward sales tactics and step into a powerful, authentic approach that attracts and converts your dream clients effortlessly. If you’re ready to own your value and sell like a pro, this is for you.

Real Support from Women Who Want to See You Win: Find genuine connections with women who get it and who are committed to lifting each other up. This is where the circle of support you've been look for is waiting.

Experience Sales on Autopilot: Imagine getting those “YOU MADE A SALE” notifications on your phone, even while you’re grabbing your daily latte. This is about creating a business that works for you, not the other way around.

Christa brings $25k+ into her business every month and it's "literally so easy". 

“Jenni has impacted our life so, so much. I plan to shoot so much less this year, which I'm really excited about. I'm excited to be able to work from home more and be more present with my family. And what surprised me most was just how automated things can be. It's literally so easy. Jenni’s method is the most hands-off approach to having a coaching program for sure.

You should know that Jenni is a different breed. She is incredible. She gets things going. She makes things happen. She expects you to do the work, which I love, and you get out of it what you put into it with her. She's there to support you, help you, and guide you through it all, and does everything she possibly can to help you be successful. But it does take doing the work, and when you do the work, massive results happen.”

Megan jumped all in and now brings over $80k into her business every single month. 

“Jenni’s strategies all work. She is no-nonsense. It all just works, but you have to do the work! I am her high achiever, and it's because I just do all the things she says, and I don't question it or worry about it or have to think about it. I just jump all in.”

This isn’t just any retreat—it’s a targeted experience for women who are serious about making a bigger impact with their online course or coaching program.

Why The Next Level Retreat is Your Game-Changer.

I'm Jenni. Your new
BFF + Business Coach.

It's about the freedom that comes with it. The freedom to work from anywhere in the world with Wifi. The freedom to spend every weekend with my husband and kids. The freedom to build our dream home and send our kids to private school. The freedom to take a last-minute girls trip to Mexico or a random Tuesday off to go skiing with my husband.

And that's exactly what I intend to help you achieve at the this retreat!

I went from burned out to 7-figures in 2 years flat. But it's not JUST about the money.

Meet Our Expert Guest Speaker – Dustin M.

Learn from a Money Magnet Maker: Dustin is celebrated for her no-nonsense approach to scaling your income without the overwhelm. She’s here to show you how to attract clients who are ready to pay, and pay well.

Interactive Group Exercise: Engage in a hands-on activity where Dustin guides you through creating messaging that truly connects with your audience.

Personalized Breakout Sessions: Work in small groups to nail down messaging that will have your ideal clients running for their credit cards, eager to enroll in your course or program.

If you’re ready to make more money with ease and turn your offers into irresistible must-haves, you won’t want to miss this session with one of the most influential voices in the online coaching world!

Master the Art of Magnetic Messaging

Meet Our Tech Guru – Kimi Jevic Brooks, COO and Sales Funnel Expert

Meet Kimi, our tech guru and sales funnel expert who’s helped scale Jenni’s business to over $1M in just one year.

Kimi is here to simplify the tech side of your business and show you how to optimize your sales funnels for maximum conversions. During the retreat, she’ll provide hands-on guidance to refine your funnels and ensure your offers are primed to sell effortlessly.

With Kimi’s expert support, you’ll learn the exact tech strategies and tools that can streamline your operations and drive consistent revenue, setting you up to scale with confidence.

If you’re ready to harness the power of tech to boost your business growth, Kimi’s insights are exactly what you need.



Denver, Colorado ... ranked one of the hippest cities in the USA (get ready Insta, it's about to pop off).

Luxury Venue with a private barista. Be prepared to get caffinated.

day one

day two

day three

Make your retreat investment back before you even board your flight home. ✈️

On the first day, we dive straight into uncovering hidden opportunities within your existing offers.

Through targeted exercises and expert guidance, you'll identify quick wins and untapped potential that can lead to immediate financial returns.

Imagine walking away with a clear plan to capitalize on untapped potential, setting yourself up to potentially recoup your entire retreat investment before you even leave Denver.

Day One:

Picture It: floor-to-ceiling windows, stylish decor, and an energizing atmosphere that perfectly sets the stage for transformation.

You’re surrounded by a group of ambitious, like-minded women, all here to elevate their businesses and take their offers to the next level.

Private Barista when you arrive each morning, custom catering for lunch each afternoon, and happy hour to close out the day?! Yes, please!

Over the course of three powerful days, you'll be guided by Jenni and expert guest speakers, diving deep into actionable strategies designed to supercharge your sales and set you on the path to consistent $100k+ years.

In-person Retreat: October 8-10, 2024.

Plenty of time for learning, shopping, dining, and exploring the city.

day one

day two

day three

Refine your messaging to magnetize your ideal clients and amplify your sales. 💸

Day two is all about mastering the art of messaging that resonates deeply with your audience.

Work alongside with expert guest speaker Dustin M. and engaging in her transformative "Messaging that SLAPS" session, where you'll refine your communication to effortlessly attract and convert your dream clients.

Through group exercises and intimate breakout sessions, you'll nail down exactly what your clients need to hear to feel compelled to enroll in your offers.

This isn’t just learning—it’s about implementing strategies that will amplify your sales and create lasting impact.

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Day Two:

day one

day two

day three

Leave with a personalized, step-by-step plan to scale your business and hit your financial goals. 📋

The final day is dedicated to crafting a clear, actionable roadmap that takes everything you’ve learned and puts it into practice.

Visualize leaving the retreat with a tailored plan that outlines your next steps, from refining your offers to scaling your business for consistent $10k+ months.

This is where the pieces come together, and you feel confident, energized, and ready to implement.

Plus, you’ll solidify connections with your new community of business besties, who will continue to support and encourage you long after the retreat ends.

9:30 am - 12 pm

Day Three:

Plenty of time for learning, shopping, dining, and exploring the city.

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Includes daily lunch and snacks for 3 days, all trainings, breakout groups and resources.

$5k  $3500

pay in full

apply now

Includes daily lunch and snacks for 3 days, all trainings, breakout groups and resources.



apply now



sales page and email templates

No need to hire a $10,000 copywriter or spend hours trying to write your own sales page. Swipe mine for free!

Grab your seat for the retreat today and swipe my Sales Page Copy Template for FREE!



"Just take the plunge."

“After attending the retreat, I revamped my sales approach and saw an immediate boost in enrollments. Within weeks, I had earned back my investment and then some. Jenni’s strategies are a game-changer for any course creator or coach looking to scale.” – Christy

"After just 3 months inside Jenni's program I had a $36,000 launch!"

"Using Jenni's strategies, I've brought in over $350k in my first year of coaching! Before joining Jenni's program, I tried to DIY my first launch but it completely flopped.

- Megan

"I sold over $13k in workshop seats!"

"Within 3 weeks of the program, I've launched twice since, and hired my husband to work with me! Thank you Jenni!"

 - Ashlea

Still Feeling Skeptical?

If you're reading this and raising an eyebrow, I love that about you. You are a thinker. And I get it, running a business can be hard AF, and if this sounds too easy, you're probably wondering, "What's the catch, Jenni?" All my best students asked the same question before jumping in (and then went on to scale TF out of their businesses).

The catch is this: You have to show up and do the work. Yep, you don't get anything just by enrolling (sorry, not sorry).

YOU have to implement the information. 

YOU have to fill in the blanks on the copy templates. 

YOU have to plug and play your branding and images into the design templates.

YOU have to speak up about what's holding you back.

I don't do the work for you. Our coaches don't do the work for you.

Buttttt…The great news? I've simplified the hell out of my retreats—no extra work, no fluff, just what you need to get results.

So, yes, there's technically a "catch." You DO have to show up and do the work. But if you can hold up your end of the bargain, my coaches and I will support you throughout the entire retreat.


$1500 off ends september 13.

With only 50 spots available (and half already claimed), this exclusive retreat is designed to ensure you receive the personalized guidance and attention you need to scale your business. Don’t miss your chance—special pricing of $5k ends on Friday, 9/13, and the price goes up by $500 after that.

Secure your spot now and take the first step toward elevating your course or coaching program to six-figures and beyond before the price increases!

What level do I need to be at to attend?

This retreat is meant for entrepreneurs who are serious about scaling their income and their impact.

If you have (or are getting ready to launch) an online course, coaching program, or host retreats and you want to seriously scale your sales, this retreat is for you.


I'm a (your niche here). Is this for me?

Whether you're a web designer or a wellness coach, a copywriter or a parenting/marriage specialist, a virtual assistant or a fertility expert, a money mindset coach or a hair and makeup artist ... or anything in between ... this is for YOU. All badass entrepreneurs are welcome to apply!



You will fly into Denver International Airport. From there you can catch an Uber, Lfyt or rent a car of your own. You are responsible for your own flights and lodging. Lunch and snacks are provided.


Where should i stay? is lodging included?

Lodging is not included in the retreat investment. Denver has a bazillion lodging options. Anything from $100 hotels to high-end resorts! There are also a ton of really great AirBnb and VRBO rental options. Take a peek, you're sure to find something you love!


What if I have dietary restrictions?

Not to worry! If your application is accepted, we will send you a dietary form to fill out that we will provide to our caterers. We always have an assortment of options available!


what if i haven't created a course?

This retreat is for Course Creators and Coaches that want to massively scale their sales. If you have not yet launched but are getting close, this would be a great opportunity for you!

If you have not started creating your offer, click here to learn how.


It's time to


level up +

apply now

bring in

while making an


Ready to work with a coach who gets it. I want to help you see the gaps and challenge you to stop playing small so that you can truly scale to the next level.