Let's create those 
                keeping you awake at night.

calling all boss babes:

Let's create those          keeping you awake at night.


So you want to create an online course for passive income? Or maybe it's a high-ticket coaching program or host an in-person retreat ... but you have no idea where to start?! Or maybe you have started, but it's just not working? From someone that went from 6 people in my first course to over $1M every year, I've got you covered ... and then some. 

ways to work together 

CHArCUTERIE BOARD connoisseur, champagne lover, ENNEAGRAM 3,

I remember a time not too long ago when I was photographing weddings every weekend, staying up all night editing, and getting up in the morning feeling like I was hit by a bus. I loved photography with all my heart but I loved my family more...and something had to change. 

So I decided that maybe I could share my secrets with other photographers. I mean, I'd cracked the code on making 6-figures and booking out my calendar in 2 years flat...surely SOMEONE could benefit.

Newsflash: They did. And now? The education side of my business alone brings in $1M every year because I decided to share what I know.

Now it's your turn. You don't need to have 10k Instagram followers (I didn't until recently), a six-figure paycheck, a laundry list of industry awards, or a booked out calendar to teach other people. Let me show you exactly how it's done... 

My superpower is helping women turn their skills and knowledge into programs, so they can live a life with abundant freedom, income, and purpose. 

From helping you launch your new offer (and then scaling it to the moon), to growing your email list to have clients on repeat, I'll teach you how to turn your ideas into income.

What we do...

my coaching IS FOR YOU IF:

You want to learn how to market your genius.

You are so over all of the marketing cliches out there.

You really just want someone to tell you what freaking works.

You're ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Whether you're considering one of my online courses or joining one of my group coaching programs, I'm here to help you succeed. As an enneagram 3, your wins are my wins ... and I have to be honest, I really like winning. 

you're in the right place.


email marketing

I'll teach you my top-secret strategies I've used to grow my email list to 40k+ in 4 years.

offer creation

From coaching programs to courses, retreats to masterminds, I have the experience.

launch strategy

I will teach you the exact steps I've taken to scale to over $1Million/year as a coach.

ways to work together ...

Option One

1:1 Private Coaching

INVESTMENT: 6 Monthly Payments of $7500

This is for the girlie that's ready to massively scale their coaching business (I'm talking 7-figures/year) with an offer suite that lights you TF up. Space is limited to just 5 clients/year. 

tell me more!


Next Level Mastermind

INVESTMENT: 6 Monthly Payments of $3k

Learn how to scale your business to $25k cash months (even if you have a small audience, no email list, or have never coached before)!

Live coaching calls, daily support, and personalized roadmaps to help you fast track your way to success.

Includes in-person retreat!

apply for the summer 2024 round

Colorado Retreat


I host 2-3 retreats throughout the year around the world teaching women how to create online courses, coaching programs, and in-person retreats. Our next retreat will in Denver, Colorado on October 8-10, 2024.  

Option Three

Success Story

“With the help of Jenni, I signed $13k in coaching clients within 3 weeks of finishing our program!"

- ashlea, mastermind student


Ready SetBook.

Ready to transform?
Well then, what the hell are you waiting for?

listen to the podcast

The 7-Figure Photography Coach Podcast

Head over to my podcast for more tips and strategies to becoming an in-demand online coach. 

Caution: get ready for a binge-listen.  Reallllly spicy 🌶 content inside.