Create your first Online Course and make $10k 💸 the next 60 days?

Create your first Online Course and make $10k 💸...
in the next 60 days?

If we’re being real with each other, you and I both know you’re ready to turn your skills and knowledge into a digital offer that makes sales in your sleep. Am I right?!

What if you could...

tell me more!

So you’re on a mission to share your skills with others and change the lives of people in your industry. You're thinking about creating a course, you know you have valuable info to share, and you love the idea of passive income. But you have no clue where to even begin.

Nodding along so far?

Then you, my friend, are in the right place.

It's time you finally created that course you've been dreaming about.

You don't have to do it alone.

And at the end of the day, all you really want is to make sales in your sleep while helping others — you see people in your industry living this every single day, and you’re a lil upset that that’s not your reality yet.

The thing is, I’ve created and launched successful online courses (I'm talking $20k-$40k) despite only having 2000 followers on Insta at the time and a non-existent email list when I started the process.

And my students regularly do the same, too.

So I guarantee you ...

You don’t need a HUGE following, a million years of experience, a big email list (or an email list at all, actually), or a year to devote to creating this thing.

So… what is it?

Why haven’t you cracked the code on passive income yet?

Before we get into that, I think it’s time to talk about the good news:

I’ve been exactly where you are right now.

believe me when i say I get it

You can make sales in your sleep from an online course even if you don’t have 10k followers or a bunch of extra time on your hands (listen, I get it ... you're busy).

imagine what it would actually feel like:

To wake up to "You've made a Sale" Stripe notifications blowing up your phone. 💸

To be able to finally take that vacation and actually make money while sitting on the beach drinking a yummy beverage with an umbrella in it. 🏖

To share your hard-earned skills, knowledge and experience with others to help them fast track their success. 🥂

To check your bank account balance every month and see all the course sales you made while going about life and business. 

All of that CAN be your reality thanks to my Autopilot Sales System.

Learn How to Create an Irresistible AF Online Course and Start Making Passive Income in your Sleep THIS month.

Which can only be found inside of…

Course Creation Kickstart is the missing link that will help you finally bring in another stream of income from an online course. You get access to my proven Autopilot Sales Machine, and all of the tools, strategies AND resources that you need to make your dream a reality.

Course Creation Kickstart


Well, for one, I just made a $2,000 sale from an online course
as I'm typing this sentence ... so there's that. 😉

I used to be in the same place you are ... burning out at work, tired, and getting nowhere trying to stop trading my hours for dollars.

I spent YEARS (and tens of thousands of dollars) doing allllll the things … creating "bro marketing" webinars, writing sales email after sales email, talking about my online course on social until blue in the face (and not to mention feeling V salesy in the process) ... you name it, I tried it. 

Then I cracked the code and found a way to sell my online course on autopilot without having to do all of the annoying (super salesy) crap they tell you to do online!

Learn more

Course Creation Kickstart

It’s exactly what I wish I had when I was trying to create and sell my first online course.

It’s my mission to help as many women entrepreneurs as possible skip past the shit that doesn't work and simply focus on what does.

Course Creation Kickstart would have saved me SO MUCH time, money, and energy (not to mention months of wanting to pull my hair out). I can’t wait for it to do the same for you.

I've taken everything that I learned on my journey and put it into my program

but nowI know how to help!

Getting messages like these on the regular are                    why I                     Course Creation Kickstart. So you can create and launch your online course and start making passive income in the next 8 weeks!



“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

- jordan s.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.

teach me plz

Step One

Course Creation Kickstart is a 4-Step Online Course that includes easy-to-follow trainings teaching you everything you need to do to get FAST results!

The first thing I'll teach you how to do is determine exactly what to teach inside your online course, who it's for, why they need it, and how to price it to make it a no-brainer purchase.

What's Your Secret Sauce?

Here’s what you’ll learn on the inside:

teach me plz

Step Two

You will learn how to create your entire online course in less than 2 weeks, a sales page that converts in your sleep, and how to turn leads into enrollments in less than 48 hours.

Course Creation Made Easy

teach me plz

Step Three

Learn what to say and how to say it through a series of emails that sell without every feeling salesy or sleezy! No need to hire a copywriter, we've got you covered.

Passive Sales In Your Sleep

teach me plz

Step Four

Learn how to use Instagram ads to grow your email list with paying subscribers, automate the sales process, and start selling your course on autopilot!

Marketing Made (super) EASY




does this sound amazing, or what?

How does this sound?

An Online Course ready to sell in less than 8 weeks

A platform that makes you money on autopilot 365 days a year (even on vacation and holidays!)

An email list full of PAID subscribers ready to join your online course

On the other side of Course Creation Kickstart,
you can experience results like:


Everything You'll Get Access To:

👉 4-Step Online Course with Easy-to-Implement Trainings

👉 Lifetime access to all recordings and materials

👉 Workbook and Check Lists to keep you on track

Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your contact information to sign up.

step 01

Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from me with login instructions.

step 02

Log into the program, roll up your sleeves and get ready to start selling courses!!

step 03

Here's How it Works ...

Bring in an extra $10k in the next 60 days by sharing what you already know with others 🔥

the goal:

Now you’ve got two choices:


Close this page and continue on with business as usual ... trading hours for dollars and keeping all of that knowledge in your head instead of sharing it.


You know which option I’m voting for.

Enroll in Course Creation Kickstart and take the first step towards creating an online course that could give you the freedom that comes along with passive income. 🥂

In 2 weeks, you could have your entire course mapped out which means you're one step closer to finally getting these ideas out of your head and into the hands of people that need it!

In 60 days, you could be making your first sale and celebrating the beginning of a very lucrative side gig.

And in a year, you could be waking up every morning to enrollments in your inbox and deposits in your bank account which are adding up VERY quickly!

But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and get your hands on my proven course sales machine and all of the tools and strategies that you need to make your dreams a reality inside Course Creation Kickstart.



Q: What if it's busy season, can I join later? 

A: You can! But you'd be missing out on the HUGE enrollment special we're offering right now! Plus, you'll have lifetime access to the course. So dive in and binge watch or put it on pause until things slow down. Either way, it's yours for life.

You might be wondering…

Q: What happens after I sign up?

A: As soon as you enroll in Course Creation Kickstart, you'll get immediate access to the entire program. TBH, you could binge watch the whole course in the next 2 hours and start creating your lessons tomorrow. 

Q: I’m not really great with tech and I don't want to spend my days promoting my course on social media. Will this still work for me?

Q: I've taken Online Courses before and never finish them. How will this be different?

Q: I still have questions. Can I DM you?

A: Absolutely! Inside this program you will follow along as I show you how to create and sell an online course from scratch. You will be able to pause the training and set it all up as you go through the program. And not to worry about social media, you don't need to be active 24/7 on social media for this to work. My course sales machine will teach you how to set up ads that run on autopilot doing all the marketing work in the background for you.

A: Yes please!! I truly want to be sure this is the perfect fit for you. Send me a DM on Instagram (@jennimaroney) and let's chat!!

A: Just like anything else in life, what you put you'll get back. If you're willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the work, this WILL work for you. Guaranteed or your money back. And I get it, I'm a busy mama running a 7-figure online business, ain't no one got time for fluffy BS courses. Course Creation Kickstart was created for women like us. All of the lessons are broken down into bite-sized 5-10 minute lessons with a list of tasks to complete at the end. In addition, you'll have a workbook to follow along with that includes a cheat sheet to be sure you go in order, don't skip a step, and get FAST results!

If you’re all the way at the bottom of this page, it means you’re having a                      deciding whether or not this course is right for you.

hard time

Course Creation Kickstart      for you:

If you read through that list and you’re STILL unsure…

You're know you can help others, if only you could get the info out of your head and into their hands.

Here’s exactly how to know:

The thought of sharing your best kept secrets inside an online course freaks you the F out.

You've been thinking about creating an online course for a while now and you're finally ready to make it happen.


The idea of having another stream of income in addition to your career sounds dreamy. Just think about all the freedom that comes with passive income!

You have 2-4 hours a week to dedicate to the program so that you can launch in the next 4 weeks and starting making sales.

You know you have the skills and knowledge that could help change someone's life and/or business ... which means, you have a sellable online course. 

You just need to learn the steps to get this out of your head and into the hands of paying students.

Course Creation Kickstart            for you:

You are more interested in creating an in-person workshop or coaching program that you'll teach live to a small group instead of a scaleable online course.

You don’t have 2-4 hours a week to dedicate to this course in order to launch in the next 8 weeks.





Are you ready to start making sales on repeat by sharing your knowledge inside of an online course?

"I made a $549 sale this morning while brushing my teeth. This NEVER gets old!"

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

next review

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

so let's get to work!

“I've made 30 sales in the past 10 days because of this course.”

- amrit

Creating an Online Course to share your skills.

Making Passive Income Sales on Autopilot.

Attracting your dream clients and helping them achieve their goals.

Running ads that get your offer in front of your target audience 24/7.

Having a sales page that converts in your sleep (you need your beauty rest, Queen).

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to: