I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

I’ll admit it, being pregnant wasn’t the most amazing 9 months I’ve ever experienced. One of the big problems being that I’m the girl that wants everything done yesterday. As soon as I make a decision with all of my heart, I want it to magically happen over night. Including pregnancy. Nine months was a long wait to meet the little man that has changed my life from being just great to being completely over the moon.
One of the things that helped get me through those painstakingly long nine months of pregnancy was shopping. Of course I nested, but boy did I shop. Now, I’ll stop myself right here and laugh out loud about the statements that I’m about to make. It used to drive me crazy in my twenties to listen to “mommy talk” regarding all of the super expensive, über trendy baby items needed. But now I get it. There were several items on our baby registry that made me really excited (and super thankful to our family and friends) to receive (the B.O.B., the Chariot bike attachment my clients gave us, the baby monitor that was more sophisticated than our TV) … and then there was the Ikabag that my sister’s best friend bought us. This present got more miles of use than the B.O.B has to date (well, maybe not, but close). I drool over these handmade bags from Paris. If we have another baby in the future, you can bet your bottom dollar that this gal will be treating herself to a new Ikabag — I’m leaning towards either the Waxed Canvas Leather Messanger bag or the Eco-friendly Linen Herringbone Tote. Anyone out there feeling generous?! 😉


photo credit: Ikabag


photo credit: Ikabag

If you’re in need of a classy, mature, fashionable diaper bag, then head over to our gal Feyza Demirtas’ Etsy shop to treat yourself to a handmade with “big love” bag.



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