I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

The joy that a newborn brings into the world is unlike any other joy one could describe. Just like the love of being a newborn photographer is unlike any other love.
We swoon over each set of tiny fingers, and tiny toes, each head of hair, and every unique beautiful expression. We are beyond lucky to welcome each new life, and the magic each holds, into our studio. To photograph and share such special moments in time brings butterflies to ours stomachs. As a newborn photographer, there can’t imagine that there is anything better.
As you have heard before, we love twins. So much so, that we find ourselves obsessing over them, and jumping up and down with each new twin arrival. The boutique was full of sunshine the morning of this newborn session. Two very tired, very sweet, first time parents were welcomed into our studio, with two beautiful gifts. Miles and Ruby. A handsome healthy baby boy, and a sweet precious baby girl.
We couldn’t believe the bond they already shared, as they held hands throughout the entire session. Throughout the entire newborn session, we couldn’t stop giving one another that look, that look like “is this really happening?”. We fell in love with this perfect pair. Two that will now forever have a place in our hearts.
jennimaroney.2014.wurtztwins.FB-7006jennimaroney.2014.wurtztwins.FB-7016jennimaroney.2014.wurtztwins.FB-7021Do you have a little babe on the way? Book your newborn session today with Jenni Maroney Portrait Boutique (choose “newborn session” from the drop-down menu).



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