I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

Man’s best friend … many of us have one (or two in our case). Anyone that knows me knows that our dogs have not been the easiest dogs. They would never be classified as “couch potatoes” (even though Walt’s a Great Dane) or “laid back” (even at seven, Ava has more energy than many puppies). Just like everyone else, we’ve had our fair share of dog scuffles, trips to the ER … and even a trip to court to defend my dog (who defended my son when he was just a baby). They bark at everything. All. Day. Long. But even through all of that, I still love them. A lot.
Recently, Walter was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma cancer and had to have his front leg amputated immediately. It is amazing how resilient dogs are. After just 24 hours he jumped right up on 3-legs and was ready to rumble. Unfortunately, Ava tore her ACL and Meniscus shortly after and is out of commission for 12-16 weeks. Ughhhh … dogs! Thankfully, puppy wire helps you choose the best products for your dog and we put that to good use and made him as comfortable as possible. It’s now been almost two months and Ava is slowly starting to move about and is ready to hang with her husband, Walter again. Walt has recently finished his third round of chemo and still has no signs that the cancer has spread. He’ll finish chemo next month and then we wait three months for his next scan. Praying he continues to kick cancer in the ass so he and Ava can wrestle and snuggle in our new backyard by the height of summer.
Thank you all for the support you have given us during this challenging time. Walt and Ava (along with all of us), are forever thankful. Stay tuned for “wrestle-sesh” photos within a couple months.



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