I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year photography coaching business and how I got here.

My favorite part of being a professional photographer is photographing my own son just doing his thing. Whether it’s eating a snack, swinging at the park or playing chase with our dogs in the backyard, there’s nothing better than documenting his story, his way. As a Boulder photographer, I am blessed with the job of photographing many Colorado kids throughout the year. I couldn’t ask for a better life. Over the last decade as a professional photographer, I have learned many photography tips and tricks for kids photography ideas. The most important thing to remember when photographing kids is to get on their level and MAKE. IT. FUN. There’s nothing worse than pulling out your camera and seeing your kid do the “cheeeeeeese” face (or run the other way for that matter). Try our 5 kids photography ideas and let us know if they worked for you. We love hearing your success stories (from pros and momtographers, alike).
Kids Photography Idea #1: Try the “I bet you can’t _____” approach. For instance, I recently put my little guy on the bed and said, “I bet you can jump sooooo high your hands touch the ceiling.” And guess what? He jumped higher than I’ve ever seen him jump. He was so distracted by trying to reach the ceiling with his hands that he didn’t even notice I had my camera out the whole time.
denver photographer, boulder photographer, kids photography ideas, photo tips
Kids Photography Idea #2: Let them be artists. Photographing kids creating art is one of my all-time favorite kids photography ideas. Try pulling out a couple smocks, paint, extra large paint brushes, and a blank canvas from your local art supply store. You could set up an easel by a sliding glass door (just be sure it’s not direct sun beams coming in at that time of day) and try photographing your child painting from every angle. Try shooting with the door behind them so they’re backlit. Then try from the side for a profile and again so they have the natural daylight illuminating them. Don’t forget to photograph their finished artwork, the mess they made, and best of all … how messy they got. This can also be done exploring with a camera. Let them play with one of your oldies and photograph them trying it out. These will be images you’ll both enjoy for years to come!
kids photography ideas and tips from Boulder Photographer
Kids Photography Idea #3: Quiet time. I love documenting my little man resting, snuggling on the couch or getting ready for bed. These moments are so real and honest that I can’t imagine not capturing them. I can only imagine how these photos will make me feel once he’s grown. They grow so fast and documenting these moments are so very important.
Boulder Photographer, Denver Photographer, Kids Photography Ideas and Photography Tips
Kids Photography Idea #4: Daily Life. Photography my son doing his thing on a normal Monday morning brings a huge smile to my face. Grab your camera while your kids are doing their chores and snap a few images. There’s nothing sweeter than a black & white image of a little guy helping his big sister wash the dishes. Also, don’t be afraid to take your camera out while running errands. Some of my favorite photos from last year were of Miles at Whole Foods with his little legs dangling from the grocery cart.
Boulder Photographer, Denver Photographer, Photography Tips, Kids Photography Ideas
Kids Photography Idea #5: Don’t forget the details. Back when I was a wedding photographer, I would say to my assistants multiple times throughout the day, “don’t forget the details”. The same is true for kids photography. Don’t forget to photograph their little hand in daddy’s while they’re out on a hike. Or your child’s hair. I love photographing baby hair, especially when they have a lot of it! My other favorite kids photography idea is photographing from their level. Try photographing your child walking the dog but from their level, or even just waist down. I love this photo, especially because we have a great dane that is still much taller than our toddler.
Boulder Photographer, Photography Tips, Kids Photography Ideas
Send us your favorite kids photography ideas or something you have photographed recently of your kids. We love seeing what you’re up to!



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