I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year photography coaching business and how I got here.

Name: Ellen Contard and Melissa Evans
Job Title: Doulas; Childbirth, Lactation, and Parenting Educators; Placentaencapsulators; Child passenger Safety Technicians; and more.
Specialty: Providing families with the tools and support that they need to grow with confidence and nurture strong relationships through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
Practice Name: Balanced Birth Services
Website: http://www.balancedbirthservices.com

Years in Business: Over 21 years combined experience

Where are you located? What geographical area do you serve?: We are based in Aurora, and we serve the entire Denver metro area.

3 Tips Every New Mom Should Know: 

1. Plan for the best birth possible! Find a care provider you can trust and birth place where you be encouraged and respected. Check out the CIMS Ten Questions at motherfriendly.org for a great list of questions to ask. Take a comprehensive, independent childbirth class and practice the skills learned. Hire a doula who will provide excellent comfort measures, empathy, and information throughout the process for you and your partner.

2. Set yourself up for success in the postpartum period. Accept support from others. Know who your La Leche League leaders are. Get you car seat checked. Have your placenta encapsulated. Minimize obligations for the first few weeks- if you could just sit and nurse and do nothing else, that would be ideal. It’s okay to get professional help if you need to, your family needs a strong mom, and you deserve to be happy.

3. Be gentle with yourself if things don’t go they way you plan! Do your best, then let the rest go.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?: We are designed to learn, grow, and heal. It’s never too late to develop, improve, or repair health in our bodies, minds, spirits, and relationships.

Are you a Boulder or Denver Doula wishing to be featured? Contact info@jennimaroney.com for further information.



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