I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

Mommy and son on beach
As the photographer of the family I’m rarely in the photos.
This never used to bother me. But lately, I’ve been feeling left out.
Like that “last kid picked for the team” left out.
I’ve been craving photos of my son and I just doing our normal everyday thing.
Craving photos of the three of just us being “US”.
Mommy guilt is a real thing.
And right now, I’m experiencing it. BAD.
I want to remember the daily routine that we call our own.
Remembering the connection we have as a family of three at THIS. VERY. STAGE.
These moments count. And I’m afraid I won’t remember them.
I’m afraid of being left out and regretting not getting in the photo more often.
Starting now, I am challenging myself to get in the photo at least once a month with my family.
I’m challenging myself to let go and (hopefully) experience less mommy guilt.
Does it matter that my hair isn’t washed or my makeup isn’t perfect? NO.
Will my son care when he looks back on these photos in twenty years. NO (or, at least, I hope not).
I’m challenging myself to care less about being “perfect” and instead focus on being more “real”.
My whole life I’ve always thought about “what’s next” instead of fully enjoying the present.
What if I’m missing the happiness of “now” because I’m thinking about the next big thing.
note to self: THIS. IS. THE. BIG. THING.
This life. Right here. Right now. This is it.
My goal is to document the realness of now. When and where doesn’t matter. It’s the “why” that is so very important.
I’m challenging all of you out there experiencing mommy guilt for not being in the photos to join me.
Let’s leave some photos behind for our children to remember the happiness, craziness, simplicity, and love of their childhood.
Most importantly … let’s be in some of those photos with them.
… and I want to help you do this.
Wednesday, April 15th we will be offering Mommy & Me Mini Sessions in North Boulder.
These will be 20 minute, outdoor sessions for mamas and their babes, to document your story …. as a beautiful mother.
$300 Mommy & Me mini sessions include:
– an in-studio viewing session
– 8-10 finished images to choose from
– 3 digital images guaranteed delivery by Mother’s Day
Let me help eliminate some of that mommy guilt for you. Let’s create some gorgeous photos of you and your babies before they get any bigger. Who’s with me? Reserve your Mommy & Me mini session NOW. Contact info@jennimaroney.com for more information.



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