I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year photography coaching business and how I got here.

newborn baby boy photography session in-studio
I met this handsome little man last week for his newborn photography session in our studio.
I had met his parents years ago when his mama was part of the bridal party of a wedding I was photographing in Aspen.
The love he has surrounding him is beyond measure.
Connor is a fighter.
So is his mama.
His mama was diagnosed with a condition that became extremely dangerous to both her and the baby’s health and was induced early.
Connor arrived in this world 6 weeks early, just shy of 6 pounds, and spent the first week in the NICU.
Just a few weeks ago, when Connor was just 4 weeks old, his papa passed away.
I’m sharing their story because I feel extremely passionate about Connor and his family.
I went into this session not knowing how it would go.
I was nervous I would say the wrong thing or worse, say nothing at all.
I had a gulp in my throat all morning leading up to his newborn session.
My eyes welled up with tears every time I thought about Connor and his beautiful mama.
I’m crying as I write these words.
My heart aches thinking about this gorgeous little guy growing up with out his papa …
… about the loss his beautiful mother has experienced.
This new mama possesses more strength and positivity than any new mama I have ever met.
Connor’s newborn photography session was absolutely stunning.
Watching his mama soothe him, in a way only a mama can, was breathtaking.
The way he snuggled into her arms and fell fast asleep knowing he was protected and comforted was magical.
My favorite part of the session?
Placing his papa’s family ring on Connor’s tiny fingers, as someday he will wear it too.
newborn baby boy wearing his late father's ring
My heart goes out to these two and their journey ahead.
The love and support surrounding them is indestructible.
This session changed the way I will approach future newborn photography sessions.
It’s not just about documenting the baby, it’s absolutely about the bond and connection with their loving family.
Near or far.



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