I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year photography coaching business and how I got here.

Maybe you got into newborn photography after having your own baby (who hasn’t become obsessed with their own baby and taken 3021 photos of them each day?! Please don’t tell me I’m alone here). Or maybe you just left your corporate job to follow your heart and open your dream newborn photography studio. It could be you’ve been a newborn photographer for years now, like Hillarry Pitts, but still not hitting your goals.

Whatever your story may be, it’s important to keep your eye on the prize and avoid these commonly made newborn photography mistakes. These are mistakes I have personally made in the past (so don’t feel silly if you have too). Today I’m going to share them with you so you can avoid making them too.

Free newborn photography cheat sheet for newborn photographers from photography workshop host Jenni Maroney.

#1 | Common Newborn Photography Mistakes:

Not being a good listener. When I first started my business I talked too much and too fast (I blame it on my Jersey roots). I didn’t listen to what my clients were saying. Had I, I would have had a better idea of what exactly they were wanting from their newborn photography session and I could have made more money if I actually delivered that (vs all the cute stuff I wanted to do for my own portfolio). You can avoid this mistake by being a better listener. Ask your clients what they want from your newborn photography session. Download our newborn photography cheat sheet to learn exactly which questions to ask to get better results.


#2 | Common Newborn Photography Mistakes:

Trying to include everything and the kitchen sink into one session. I learned the hard way that trying to include 7 different backdrops, 15 different props, and 24 different newborn poses leads to nothing but frustration, exhaustion (especially for the baby), and a lower sale. Avoid overwhelming your clients (and yourself) and this newborn photography mistake by remembering the “less is more” approach.

#3 | Common Newborn Photography Mistakes:

Not prepping my clients. When I first started my photography business, I was just thrilled that someone actually wanted to pay me money to photograph their newborn. I was so focused on the photography part of the newborn session that I forgot about the super important part, prepping the parents for their newborn session. I would spend hours trying to get the baby to sleep, all the while wondering why he wouldn’t (aren’t babies supposed to sleep 90% of the day?!). Now I avoid this mistake by prepping my clients at least twice before their newborn photography session by emailing them tips and suggestions for a smooth and sleepy newborn session. (Join me for Ladies Hour this week (RSVP below) to hear the exact tips I share with my clients).

#4 | Common Newborn Photography Mistakes:

Having confidence and an excellent understanding of my pricing. I don’t know about you guys, but there was a time in my business when I spent more time wondering what every other newborn photographer out there was charging vs figuring out exactly what I needed to charge to reach my yearly goals. Truly, I was playing a guessing game. And let me tell you one thing, you DO NOT want to be guessing about your pricing. You want to have a very clear understanding of what YOU need to charge and how many sessions per month/year you need to book to reach your goals. On top of all of that scary pricing stuff, I used to be terrified to tell a client my pricing. I was so scared they would shriek and run for the door. Or worse, tell me I was crazy to charge that amount (which actually has happened a time or two). There’s nothing worse than sticker shock, especially after the fact, once the newborn photography session has already happened. And I know this because, like I said, I too have made this mistake.
I avoid this newborn photography mistake now by using the photography pricing calculator (learn how you can download my calculator for free at Ladies Hour) that I created to determine exactly what I need to charge per session, per product, per client and how many I need to book per month to reach my goals. But even better than that, I avoid this newborn photography mistake by going over my pricing with each client before a contract is ever signed, before I ever pick up my camera, before they ever see their photos (see a theme here? hint: “before”). I want my clients to thoroughly understand the process and the pricing involved in a newborn session with me.

Keep Reading …

Now that you know my top 4 Newborn Photography Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, I have created a FREE Newborn Photography Cheat Sheet to use for your upcoming newborn sessions to help you go into your newborn session with confidence and the ability to give your clients exactly what they want … which, in turn, will increase your sales.
Win, win if you ask me! I’ve been a professional photographer for almost 2 decades now and I’ve made MANY mistakes along the way. You don’t need to make the same! Download the cheat sheet.


Want to Know How to Book 4-Figure Sessions?

If you just nodded your head, YES (!!), then you should join me for my online Ladies Hour for Photographers this week! The event is FREE but seats are limited. I’ll be sharing the 4 crucial steps to booking 4-figure clients. I’ll even let you in on some of my biggest-business mistakes so you can avoid them too. And trust me, you’ll want to avoid these at all costs. So, what do you say? Join me for a cocktail and some juicy secrets this week? RSVP now! Seats are limited.
FREE Online photography workshop for newborn photographers



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