I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

These days I’m all about convenience, ease and simplifying. I’m also all about strong coffee and stiff cocktails, but that’s a whole other story. Seriously though, these are my top 3 life changing apps. And I’m all about good life hacks. Anyone else with me?

#1: Calm

This app not only has me sleeping better, but it has me asleep faster and keeps me asleep. I used to wake up at the sound of every little noise. Now, I’m asleep within 10 minutes of laying down and I stay asleep all night. Unless of course my children wake me up. I also use this app in my Boulder newborn photography studio as a photography life hack. It helps the baby fall asleep faster and deeper, allowing me to capture better photos in less time. Honestly, the Calm app has been a major life changing app for my whole house. We all use it, including my littles.
3 life changing apps. Photography life hacks.3 life changing apps. Photography life hacks.3 life changing apps. Photography life hacks.3 life changing apps. Photography life hacks.

#2 Evernote

Ever walk around Whole Foods wondering what the hell you’re there for again for the third time this week, to only get home and realize you forgot 3 major items?! Well, that was pretty much my life until I downloaded this life changing app, Evernote. Now, I can get in and out of Target in less than 15 minutes AND without any unnecessary items in my cart. Say whaaaaaaat?! That used to be unheard of. Talk about productivity bump. I barely know what to do with all my extra time (said no mom ever). Honestly though, Evernote helps me stay organized, share notes with anyone, and even scan receipts (so I don’t need to keep that giant stack of paperwork afterall?!). This app is a no freakin brainer if you ask me.
Boulder newborn photographer shares her top 3 life changing apps. Boulder newborn photographer shares her top 3 life changing apps. Boulder newborn photographer shares her top 3 life changing apps. Boulder newborn photographer shares her top 3 life changing apps.

#3 Afterlight

Raise your hand if you’re on Instagram. All hands up, right? Mostly because, well, Instagram is AH-freaking-MAZING. And it’s not just because I’m a photographer. I love that I can log in, see my friends photos and read a brief description. It’s a no drama zone, and I’m a no drama girl. Ok, so the Afterlight app is my third life changing app because I can now quickly edit any photo I want to upload to Instagram without ever having to import it onto my computer, open photoshop, and export. Plus, it’s crazy easy to use and you can export directly through the Afterlight app to your Instagram account. It’s pretty amazing.
Boulder newborn photographers Jenni Maroney shares her top 3 life changing apps for photographers. Boulder newborn photographers Jenni Maroney shares her top 3 life changing apps for photographers. Boulder newborn photographers Jenni Maroney shares her top 3 life changing apps for photographers. Boulder newborn photographers Jenni Maroney shares her top 3 life changing apps for photographers.
And I should mention that I’m not getting any kickbacks from any of these apps. Actually, they have no idea who I am. I’m just writing this post in hopes of helping anyone else out there looking to simplify their lives. If you’re one of my people and could use a little life hack help, download these 3 free apps and let me know what you think.
Cheers to better rest, more productivity, and LESS STRESS! Can I get an Amen?!



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