I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

When I first started my photography business I was so eager to book sessions, I would say “yes” to pretty much anyone looking for Boulder newborn photographers.

Ever heard of “fake it til you make it”?

Yeah, well that’s pretty much where I was at. I had no idea who my target audience was. I had no clue what I wanted to specialize in. Really, I just knew that I needed to book sessions with my brand new fancy camera to pay off my photography school debt.
I quickly realized that, although I’m a people pleaser, I can’t please everyone. As hard as I may try, it’s just not possible. I found myself focusing more and more on children, specifically newborn photography out of my Boulder photography studio. I loved meeting these new parents and watching the bond form between them and their new baby, all happening right in front of my camera.
To say I fell in love with newborn photography while learning to be a newborn photographer, would be an understatement. I had no children of my own at the time and furthermore, barely had a clue how to hold a newborn. After taking some additional newborn workshops I quickly became comfortable with my clients and their new babes.
My business started to grow and word of mouth was the way it was happening. But something was different about the way it was all happening. I started to share more of myself in these sessions. I stopped being so concerned with acting “textbook professional” and started treating my clients like my friends. And that’s when the magic happened.

My clients are my friends.

I started attracting like-minded newborn photography clients that didn’t just hire me because I owned a fancy camera or could document their newborn baby well. They were hiring me for ME. It was all a game of attracting and repealing. Which, to be honest, felt so weird at first. Being a people pleaser, I hated turning people away. But in the end, I knew I would be doing these potential clients a disservice if I took on their session. These were the people looking for posed newborn photography (which, don’t get me wrong can be very cute … but it’s just not my thing). Instead I started attracting clients that shared a vision with me on how their newborn photos should look.
At my Boulder newborn photography studio, I specialize in unposed, non-propped, simple and natural newborn photography. My studio is all white. The lighting is all natural, window lighting. I only use white blankets, white backdrops and white or cream swaddles. It’s that simple. And to be honest, I’m (finally) ok with it if that’s not your style.
At one of my recent newborn sessions, I fell in love with the entire family in a matter of seconds of them walking in the studio doors. Mom and I were meant to be friends. Dad is super easy to talk to. And big sister is beyond sweet. Just writing this post makes me smile. I am so incredibly lucky to have this job. To have these clients. To live this life.
I love you all. xo
Boulder newborn photographer and boulder newborn photography studio owner, Jenni Maroney specializes in simple, natural newborn photography.Boulder newborn photographer and boulder newborn photography studio owner, Jenni Maroney specializes in simple, natural newborn photography.Looking at Boulder newborn photographers for your upcoming newborn session? Interested in unposed newborn photography that’s simple and natural? Contact us to find out more about our Boulder newborn photography collections and investments.



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