I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

3 ways to attract your dream clients. Boulder maternity photographer, Jenni Maroney.
These days it’s so much more than just being a good photographer, or owning a fancy camera. It’s all about the experience you’re providing for your photography clients. There are 3 ways to attract your dream clients and if you don’t know these, you’ll want to keep reading.

Are you providing an experience worth telling others about?

Let’s be honest, word of mouth is key. And if you’re providing your photography clients with an experience worth talking about, it will likely land you more referrals.
But there are 3 ways to attract your dream clients, but first these things need to happen …

  1. Know
  2. Like
  3. Trust

Your clients must first get to know you. Who are YOU? Be sure you’re sharing yourself with potential clients on your website, in your emails, in person, in your sessions, etc.
The more they know you, the more they’ll like you. If potential clients start to like you, they’ll start to look at you like a friend.
Everyone knows a true friend is someone you can trust. Your photography clients will begin to see you as an expert in your field and trust you with creating photos of their children that represent who they really are, showing their true personalities. They’ll also trust you to help them make the best decisions when it comes time to printing and displaying these photos in their home.

As Rebecca Campbell says in her book …

“The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, will point blank not like you. But it is also filled with those who will love you fiercely. They are your people. You are not for everyone and that’s ok. Talk to the people who can hear you. Don’t waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince them of your value, they won’t ever want what you’re selling. Don’t convince them to walk alongside you. You’ll be wasting both your time and theirs and will likely inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you; politely wave them on, and continue along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift; don’t cheapen this gift by rolling yours in the wrong direction. Keep facing your true north.”

It’s not rocket science, you guys. It’s pretty simple stuff. Show your clients who you really are, and if they’re the right fit, they’ll fall in love with you and trust you to be their photographer. This is the goal. Again, it’s so much more than just owning a fancy camera and taking pretty photos.
If you follow these 3 ways to attract your dream clients, you’ll soon find yourself booking the photography sessions you’ve been dreaming of.



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