I'm Jenni!

Your new BFF + Business Coach. I'm here to share all of the ups and downs BTS of my $1m/year coaching business and how I got here, mess & all.

South Mesa Family Photographer

Dear South Mesa Trailhead. I love you. That’s all.
Combine this gorgeous location with one of the most fun families I know, and you’re bound to create magic.
As the sun was shining through the yellow aspens and the parents told silly jokes to their children, I nearly pinched myself to be sure this was really my job.
It’s kind of crazy. As a South Mesa family photographer I get to visit this location weekly. Spend time with amazing families. Document the real, in between moments. The ones that are completely unposed, not staged, and 100% real life. The giggles. The poop jokes. The sunshine. The warm fall air. The mountains. The love.

It’s all about the ‘real’ moments.

For me, as a Boulder family photographer, my goal is to work with families that appreciate the real moments. The families that want the natural, opposed to the “say cheeeeese” and look at the camera moments. Because, to be completely honest. That’s just not me. I’ve been a professional photographer for almost 2 decades now, and I would be totally fine if I never heard the expression “say cheese” again. Who came up with that anyhow?! It only produces forced smiles. 
But this family … they didn’t have to say cheese. They just arrived at the session, rolled with the crazy wind we had that day, played with their children, and let their love shine through. And that, my friends, is why I’m a Boulder family photographer. I couldn’t ask for better clients.  I heart you guys, S family!! xo
South Mesa Family photographer, Jenni Maroney specializes in natural family photography at her Boulder family photography sessions.As a Boulder family photographer and a South Mesa Family photographer, Jenni Maroney specializes in natural family photography at her Boulder family photography sessions.As a Boulder family photographer and a South Mesa Family photographer, Jenni Maroney specializes in natural family photography at her Boulder family photography sessions.
Still need to book your family photo session this fall? We only have a few spots remaining. Contact us today to reserve your Boulder family photography session.



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