For as long as I can remember I have had a serious phobia of all-things-medical. I am prone to fainting at the mere sight of a hospital, mention of a needle, let alone any kind of medical talk. With that being said, I am pretty sure I won’t be making any “patient-of-the-week” lists this week.
Over the course of the last 9 days I was admitted to the local hospital with premature labor due to complications in pregnancy, transferred to a high-risk OB hospital in Denver, discharged, readmitted 2 days later again to stop premature labor, and again transferred yesterday (at 30 weeks) back to the high-risk OB in Denver where I’ll stay on mandatory hospital bed rest until delivery (any time from 1 day – 6 weeks). Did I mention that my uterus hates me? That thing has a serious vendetta against me.
Our daily family life as we know it will be quite different for a while and kissing my son & husband goodnight may have to happen via FaceTime for a bit. As much as I want my “normal” life back, I am aware that this 3 lb feisty little lady and I are in the best possible care and we are all going to live through this. In the big picture, things could be worse. Things could be so much worse.
To keep myself busy in the hospital I have decided to start a “photo a day” project until the little lady arrives. I will be posting the photos here for anyone that is interested in following along on this little ride that is now our new “normal”. You can also follow along on my Instagram account to see what “A Day in the life on the Labor & Delivery floor” looks like (and don’t worry, Mark already warned me not to try to do any newborn sessions while I’m in here). (
We are truly thankful for all of the support our family and friends continue to give. We appreciate it more than words can express.
This is the first photo (from Saturday) in my #hospitalbedrest series that I’m calling “My (tech) Support Team”. And I couldn’t be more thankful for the two of them.