• Months (or even years) piecing together content, tweaking sales copy, and scrambling to get noticed…

  • Constantly worrying if your idea is good enough or if people will actually buy.

  • Launching to crickets after all your hard work, wondering what went wrong.

The Old Way is Dead.

Welcome to the New Era of

Course Creation

Creating a course used to look like this…

Sound familiar??
The truth is, the old way of creating and launching courses is broken. But that’s where my Automated Course Creation Machine comes in. It isn’t just speeding up the process—it’s redefining what’s possible.

With my system, you can:

  • Validate your course idea instantly—no guesswork.

  • Map out your content in minutes—with scripts ready to go.

  • Launch with confidence and start seeing sales in days, not months.

i am soooo ready!

Ready to create your course with my system?

The Income Accelerator™ is for unapologetically bold women ready to share their brilliance and make serious bank. You’re here to create a course that lets you live life on your own terms—more freedom, more impact, more cash flow.

let's see if this is for you.

Before we dive in,


9-5'ers Craving More

Trading hours for dollars and ready to finally call the shots, making money without the endless grind.


Woman Ready to Monetize

From meal prepping to organizing, you’ve got skills and it’s time to cash in on them.


Burned Course Creators

You poured your heart into a launch that flopped—now your course is collecting dust, but you know it deserves to shine.

Megan M: "Just had my first $82,000 month!" Christa R: "I made over $350k in my first year" Claire H: "$250k from coaching last year!!" Liz L: "My online course has brought in over $74,000 passive income in the past 7 months!" Amber: "My email list has grown by over 12,000 hot leads!" Natalia: "I made over $100k in 11 months all before I turned 25 years old!!"

This is the future of course creation.

Why My Automated Course Creation Machine is the Game-Changer for Entrepreneurs.

Idea Validation: AI analyzes hundreds of data points, so you know what your audience is searching for.

Content Creation: AI helps you outline, structure, and even write your entire course—aligned with your unique voice and expertise.

Automated Marketing: Create high-converting emails, social posts, and launch content in minutes.

AI isn’t just a buzzword—it’s your secret weapon for scaling faster and easier.

And if you’re thinking, “I’m not a techie. AI sounds confusing,” I get it. I felt the same way too. But here’s what most people don’t understand: AI doesn’t replace you. It amplifies your expertise.

Here’s how AI makes creating your course a breeze:

if you’re not using ai, you’re going to get left behind.

meet your



Build a Six-Figure Online Course that works for you. Not the other way around.


Your Perfect Course Idea Nailed Down 

We’ll dig deep into what you’re amazing at and what your audience craves, so you’re not just guessing—you’ll have an offer that’s irresistible. We’ll nail down your sweet spot, turning your skills into a course that feels like a no-brainer for your ideal students.

Forget spending months building a course only to hear crickets. We’ll teach you how to validate and pre-sell your course before you create it, so you’re bringing in cash from the get-go. You’ll get proof your idea is hot, build hype, and have paying students lined up before you even hit record.


Validated and Pre-Sold Your Course


A Sales Strategy That Work

No more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. We’re going all in on a killer sales strategy—one that includes magnetic messaging, a high-converting sales page, and a funnel that has your dream students sprinting for their wallet to enroll. You’ll know exactly how to sell your course in a way that feels authentic and effortless. No "Bro Marketing" here.

You’ll build your course with confidence, following the same no-fluff strategies that have fueled my multi-million-dollar launches. From lesson planning to content delivery, we’re making sure your course isn’t just good—it’s game-changing. You’ll create content that not only educates but transforms, turning your students into raving fans.



Marketing on Autopilot

Imagine making sales while you’re chilling at the beach or hitting up Target. We’re setting up AI-driven marketing systems that do the heavy lifting for you. Leads, nurture, conversion—it’s all happening behind the scenes so you can focus on living your life.

High-Impact Course Content

By the End of This 6-Month Coaching Program, You’ll Have…

Because throughout the
6 months you'll have:

This isn’t about a one-hit wonder. We’re talking a rinse-and-repeat launch strategy that scales with you. You’ll get the full playbook for launching and relaunching, so whether you want to do it once a year or every month, you’ve got the blueprint to keep that income rolling in.


A Repeatable, Scalable Launch System


Tech Made Easy AF

No more tech headaches, endless Googling, or feeling like you’re on the verge of throwing your laptop out the window. I’m handing you the exact roadmap I use to run my $1.3M/year business, broken down into simple, clear steps that even the least tech-savvy can crush.

Need help? You’ve got it. With daily access to me and my team from Monday through Thursday, you’ll never feel stuck or alone. Whether you need a quick answer, feedback, or a little pep talk, we’re here. No other program offers this level of hands-on support and dedication to students success.


Unmatched, Daily Support


Live Coaching Calls to Fast-Track Your Success: 

Twice a month, we’ll jump on live group coaching calls to tackle your biggest challenges, keep you on track, and celebrate your wins. It’s like having a personal business coach in your corner, making sure you’re always moving forward and hitting your goals.

Join a community of badass women (like you) who are ready to turn their skills into income without the grind. Whether you’re looking to boost your earnings, share what you’re passionate about, or just make life a little easier, we’ve got the tools, strategies, and support to make it happen. Transform your lifestyle, mindset, and income—your way. And the best part? You’re doing it all alongside a group of incredible women cheering you on every step of the way.


Includes lifetime access to all trainings and materials, plus 6 months of group coaching calls and daily support M-Th.

$10k 8k

pay in full

apply now

Includes lifetime access to all trainings and materials, plus 6 months of group coaching calls and daily support M-Th.



apply now

Christa brings $25k+ into her business every month and it's "literally so easy". 

“Jenni has impacted our life so, so much. I plan to shoot so much less this year, which I'm really excited about. I'm excited to be able to work from home more and be more present with my family. And what surprised me most was just how automated things can be. It's literally so easy. Jenni’s method is the most hands-off approach to having a coaching program for sure.

You should know that Jenni is a different breed. She is incredible. She gets things going. She makes things happen. She expects you to do the work, which I love, and you get out of it what you put into it with her. She's there to support you, help you, and guide you through it all, and does everything she possibly can to help you be successful. But it does take doing the work, and when you do the work, massive results happen.”

Megan jumped all in and now brings over $80k into her business every single month. 

“Jenni’s strategies all work. She is no-nonsense. It all just works, but you have to do the work! I am her high achiever, and it's because I just do all the things she says, and I don't question it or worry about it or have to think about it. I just jump all in.”

Imagine making your investment back before the program even wraps up. Picture waking up to sales notifications, a growing community of raving fans, and the freedom to scale your success without limits. This isn’t just about a one-time win—it’s about building a business that keeps paying you back, launch after launch. You’re not just investing in a program; you’re investing in a future where your income and impact are limitless.

An Investment that


stop dreaming and start doing. 

Pays for Itself

The (Master)Mind

I'm Jenni, the no-fluff, zero-bull-shit eastcoaster who wants to help you make more money than you ever thought was possible. 

And guess what? While I scaled my business to seven figures, I had to hit my breaking point first. I used to work 50-hour work weeks, have backaches from hunching over my laptop (I am basically an investor for Advil), and spend every waking moment trying to find and book clients. 

It sucked. But once I discovered the secret to scaling (while staying sane), it all changed for me. 

But hold up. I know It's NOT actually about the money.

It's about the f*cking freedom that comes with it.

The freedom to work from anywhere in the world with Wifi.

The freedom to spend every Friday - Sunday with my husband and kids doing whatever we want.

The freedom to own our dream home and send our kids to private school.

The freedom to take a 1/2 day and go out to lunch on a random Tuesday or go on a last-minute girl's trip to Mexico.

And that's exactly what I intend to help you achieve inside Income Accelerator™.



Let's tackle your concerns head-on.

You’re not alone! We’ve designed this program to fit into your busy life, with clear, step-by-step guidance and simplified tech strategies. Whether you’re juggling a 9-5, family, or other commitments, you’ll have the support and tools to succeed without overwhelm.

ok, you convinced me

Worried You Don’t Have Enough Time or Tech Skills?

Not Sure If Your Idea Will Sell?

Many of our students have launched and earned $10k-$45k within just 90 days of joining, and go on to bring in $100k-$300k in their first year. From validating your course idea to pre-selling before you create it, you’ll know exactly what your audience wants and be making money before you even launch.

Think of this as your fast track to financial freedom. Income Acceleraor™t is marked down to $8k, and with many students making back their investment within the first few months, this isn’t just an expense—it’s an investment in your future success.

Concerned About the Investment?

"Just take the plunge."

"Working with Jenni truly changed not only my business, but my life. Just take the plunge. You won't regret it."

- Vanessa R.

"After just 3 months inside Jenni's program I had a $36,000 launch!"

"Using Jenni's strategies, I've brought in over $350k in my first year of coaching! Before joining Jenni's program, I tried to DIY my first launch but it completely flopped.

- Megan

"I sold over $13k in workshop seats!"

"Within 3 weeks of the program, I've launched twice since, and hired my husband to work with me! Thank you Jenni!"

 - Ashlea

Apply here 👇🏼


No worries at all! Inside Income Accelerator, we’ll start by diving deep into brainstorming and refining your course idea, ensuring you walk away with a validated, actionable concept that’s ready to launch and scale.


I’ve already started my course. Is this still for me?

Absolutely! Whether you’re just starting or already have a course in progress, Income Accelerator will help you refine your strategy, optimize your sales systems, and take your course to the next level, aiming for that $100k+ mark.


How much time will this take?

It’s designed to fit into your schedule! With bi-monthly live coaching and flexible resources, you can engage at your own pace while still making consistent progress. Many members spend just a few hours a week and see massive results.


What kind of results can I expect?

Many of our members start seeing results within the first few months, whether it’s launching their course, scaling their income, or automating their sales systems. We’ll set clear goals from day one to ensure you’re on track to hit your targets.


How personalized is the support?

Extremely! In addition to bi-monthly live coaching, you’ll get personalized feedback tailored to your business and goals. We’re all about giving you the individual attention you need to thrive.


What if I have to miss a live session?

No worries! All sessions are recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to replays so you can catch up on your own time.


How do I secure my spot, and what’s included?

Just click the link to enroll, and you’ll get access to six months of bi-monthly live coaching, personalized feedback, and a community of supportive, like-minded women. 


Let’s F*cking Go!

The only thing left to do is... apply for your spot in The Income Accelerator™!

This is your chance to break through to that next level you've been dreaming of. I'm already picturing the moment when you message me, saying, "I just got my first enrollment!"—and trust me, there's no better feeling.

There are NO LIMITS to what's possible when you fully commit to scaling your impact and income, surrounded by a powerhouse community that's got your back every step of the way. So let's f*cking goooo!

A whole new life is waiting for you.