You Don’t Need 100k Followers or Decades of Experience To Launch a Course.

What you do need is a game plan, and a damn good one. And what if I told you that that plan doesn't include slimy sales techniques, wack-ass webinars, or having to hire some rando on Facebook to buy followers (please don’t do this).

I bet you just might think twice about holding off until “next year” to finally launch the course that has been keeping you up at night. 


You have the genius ideas, the sought after skills, and the success- now you just need to learn how to package it, sell it, and turn it into a passive empire. But how…?! You know you are ready to step into the next stage of your business, but you have no fucking clue how to do it. 

Until now.

With Your Mission

(and your mind).

make money

What if You Could…

Wake up to "You've made a sale" notifications lighting up your phone. 

Well. You. Can. 

Look, I love to dream, BUT…I am not a fan of "what ifs" because I know you can do this. You can have it all. And I am going to show you EXACTLY how to do it. 

Live your life instead of living in your business. 

Finally, take those vacations with your family (and actually be present).

Sipp cocktails on a beach while your course sales roll in, all while creating a massive impact on your customers. 

LEARN how!

Maybe you're overwhelmed by where to start. Or maybeee you think you need thousands of Instagram followers or an extensive email list. The good news? You don’t. I’ve been in your shoes, and I’m here to show you that creating a successful online course is easier than you think. 

I get it—doubt creeps in because…

You want to make extra money with an online course but aren’t sure what to teach. You think you need a HUGE Instagram following to sell, right? Wrong. You’ve tried adding “Educator” to your IG bio, but no one takes it seriously. You’ve downloaded freebies and watched webinars, but they’ve all sucked (and taught you nothing).

When others post about their online courses, you feel frustrated that you haven’t started yours. You love what you do, but imposter syndrome is constantly asking you: "Who would want to learn from me anyway?"

Sound familiar? 

Let me tell you, with my whole ass chest ( A.K.A my*new* double B boobs), I get it. I have been there. And those people you see on IG killing it with their courses? They have been there too. But everything changes once you start using the right strategy and steps. 

What's Holding You Back?



This is the part where I tell you how to do it.

If you are ready to pop your melatonin and make money while you dream.

If you are ready to live your life, do whatever the fuck you want with your time, and still make recurring revenue. 

If you want to be present with your family and yourself.

If you want to sip a marg, read your latest spicy book, and lay by the pool (any day of the week).

Then you NEED my Autopilot Sales System.

And you can only find it in my…



Megan M: "Just had my first $82,000 month!" Christa R: "I made over $350k in my first year" Claire H: "$250k from coaching last year!!" Liz L: "My online course has brought in over $74,000 passive income in the past 7 months!" Amber: "My email list has grown by over 12,000 hot leads!" Natalia: "I made over $100k in 11 months all before I turned 25 years old!!"

How To Create Your First Course in Less Than 60 Days…

Learn how to create an irresistible AF online course and start making passive income THIS month (not next year). Course Creation Kickstart is the key to your next revenue stream. That online course you want to launch? How about in the next 60 days or less? 

…Get access to my proven Autopilot Sales Machine and all the tools, strategies, AND resources you need to pop off with passive profits.



Here’s What You Will Learn…

Find Your Course Idea

The first thing I'll teach you is how to determine exactly what to teach inside your online course, who it's for, why they need it, and how to price it to make it a no-brainer purchase.


Offer Funnel
Client Journey
Online Course Content
Creating Modules & Lessons
Pricing Your Course
Creating Your Student Portal
How to Record Lessons

Discover exactly what to teach, who it's for, and how to price it.

Next, you will learn how to create your entire online course, a sales page that converts in your sleep, and how to turn leads into enrollments in less than 48 hours.


Sales Page
Products + Checkout
Order Bumps + Upsells
Creating Coupons


Let’s Make The Damn Thing

Build your entire course and sales page in under 2 weeks.


Time To Sell Without Selling

Then, I will teach you EXACTLY what to say and how to say it through a series of emails that sell without ever feeling sale-sy or sleezy! No need to hire a copywriter, we've got you covered.


Ads Manager Set Up
Dataset + Pixel Setup
Find and Install Pixel
V Passive Income Ads
Writing Ad Copy
Creating Ad Graphics
Ads Tracker

Craft emails that convert without feeling salesy.

And last (but not least), you will learn how to use Instagram ads to grow your email list with paying subscribers, automate the sales process, and start selling your course on autopilot!


Additional Resources
Legal & Accounting


Put It On Autopilot

Use Instagram ads to grow your email list and sell on autopilot.

In two weeks, you could have your entire course mapped out, which means you’re one step closer to finally getting these ideas out of your head and into the hands of people who need them!

In 60 days, you could be making your first sale and celebrating the beginning of a very lucrative side gig.

And in a year, you could be waking up every morning to enrollments in your inbox and deposits in your bank account which are adding up VERY quickly!

ready for

results like these?


but Who TF Am I To Teach You How To Scale Your Business With an Online Course?

Well, for one, I just made a $2,000 sale from an online course as I'm typing this sentence ... so there's that. 😉

I've created and launched successful online courses (I'm talking $20k—$40k) despite only having 2000 followers on Instagram at the time and a non-existent email list when I started the process.

So I know it can be done!

And my students regularly do the same, too.

So I guarantee you …

You don't need a HUGE following, a million years of experience, a big email list (or an email list at all, actually), or a year to devote to creating this thing *insert a sigh of relief here*.

You can make sales in your sleep from an online course even if you don't have 10k followers or a bunch of extra time on your hands (listen, I get it ... you're busy).

The Proof Is In The Profit.

Sara has sold over 60 courses since launching!

Leslie sold 102 online courses in just 7 days!

Liz has brought in over $70k in the past 7 months from her brand new online course that she launched after taking Course Creation Kickstart.

In just 60 days, you could be making your first sale and setting the foundation for a lucrative income stream.


Choose To Keep Trading Hours for Dollars or Build a Profitable Online Course With Course Creation Kickstart.



What if it's busy season, can I join later? 

You can! But you'd be missing out on the HUGE enrollment special we're offering right now! Plus, you'll have lifetime access to the course. So dive in and binge watch or put it on pause until things slow down. Either way, it's yours for life.


What happens after I sign up?

As soon as you enroll in Course Creation Kickstart, you'll get immediate access to the entire program. TBH, you could binge watch the whole course in the next 2 hours and start creating your lessons tomorrow. 


I'm not good with tech. Will this work for me?

Absolutely! Inside this program you will follow along as I show you how to create and sell an online course from scratch. You will be able to pause the training and set it all up as you go through the program. And not to worry about social media, you don't need to be active 24/7 on social media for this to work. My course sales machine will teach you how to set up ads that run on autopilot doing all the marketing work in the background for you.


I've taken other courses. How will this be different?

Just like anything else in life, what you put you'll get back. If you're willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the work, this WILL work for you. Guaranteed or your money back. And I get it, I'm a busy mama running a 7-figure online business, ain't no one got time for fluffy BS courses. Course Creation Kickstart was created for women like us. All of the lessons are broken down into bite-sized 5-10 minute lessons with a list of tasks to complete at the end. In addition, you'll have a workbook to follow along with that includes a cheat sheet to be sure you go in order, don't skip a step, and get FAST results!


I still have questions. Can I DM you?

Yes please!! I truly want to be sure this is the perfect fit for you. Send me a DM on Instagram (@jennimaroney) and let's chat!!


Includes lifetime access to all of the trainings and resources.

$997 $497

pay in full

apply now

Includes lifetime access to all of the trainings and resources.



apply now

You Made It to the End Of This Page

If you're allllll the way at the bottom of this page, you’re still deciding if Course Creation Kickstart is right for you.
And I want to help.

I know you have the expertise that can change lives. Now, you just need the steps to turn that knowledge into a profitable course. And I’m giving you everything you need to do the damn thing. 

In just 60 days (or less), you could be selling on autopilot, sipping something tasty by the pool, and finally starting to live your life (not spending your life in your business). 

You get to decide. 

Close this page and continue on with business as usual ... trading hours for dollars and keeping all of that knowledge in your head instead of sharing it.

Enroll in Course Creation Kickstart and take the first step towards creating an online course that could give you the freedom that comes along with passive income. 


Just hit that button below and let’s fucking goooo.

Enroll Now!