Megan M: "Just had my first $82,000 month!" Christa R: "I made over $350k in my first year" Claire H: "$250k from coaching last year!!" Liz L: "My online course has brought in over $74,000 passive income in the past 7 months!" Amber: "My email list has grown by over 12,000 hot leads!" Natalia: "I made over $100k in 11 months all before I turned 25 years old!!"

First of all, let's give you a round of applause. You put in the werrrrkkk, did the damn thing, and built a successful business. But now (there's always a but), you're finding yourself wondering, "What TF do I do next?" You know you're meant for more—something bigger—but you're not sure what that is or how to get there. 

Your business is successful, but it's not where you want it to be. You're ready to scale to the next level and gain serious financial freedom. You want to be surrounded by a group of badass business owners like yourself who are serious go-getters, ready to set big, scary goals and crush them together—but where do these people even hang out? And now, you're lying awake at night, feeling anxious, itching for a game plan or a roadmap to help you unlock the next level of your business and life. So yeah, your business is successful, but if you’re honest with yourself… it's not where you want it to be. And that is probably why you landed on this page.

"What's next?"

If you are asking yourself,

Does this sound like your kind of lifestyle?

Here’s the Part Where It All Changes

Wake up daily to new applications from perfect-fit clients you’ve never spoken to before.

Chat with potential clients in your DMs while still in your PJs, sipping your morning coffee—no need to get ready or carve out time from your day to close the sale.

Send over the checkout link to those ideal clients while buying out the new drops at Target—because you’re running your business while living your life, not the other way around.

See new enrollment confirmations and payment notifications lighting up your inbox every single week—and actually enjoy the process (while making damn good money).

You can scale your business without new clients, without an overwhelming calendar that has you double-fisting lattes (or tequila shots), and without reaching total burnout.


Good, you are my kind of dreamer!

meet your

next level


Build a Million Dollar Business that works for you. Not the other way around.

If you want it all, let’s give it to you. Join a community of badass entrepreneurs (like you) learning to scale their businesses without the hustle. Get the tools, strategies, and support you need to grow your business and make a bigger impact (and a bigger bank account). Get every damn resource possible to completely change your lifestyle, business, and mindset- all while having fun, doing it your way, and having a group of badass women doing it right there with you. 


Christa brings $25k+ into her business every month and it's "literally so easy". 

“Jenni has impacted our life so, so much. I plan to shoot so much less this year, which I'm really excited about. I'm excited to be able to work from home more and be more present with my family. And what surprised me most was just how automated things can be. It's literally so easy. Jenni’s method is the most hands-off approach to having a coaching program for sure.

You should know that Jenni is a different breed. She is incredible. She gets things going. She makes things happen. She expects you to do the work, which I love, and you get out of it what you put into it with her. She's there to support you, help you, and guide you through it all, and does everything she possibly can to help you be successful. But it does take doing the work, and when you do the work, massive results happen.”

Megan jumped all in and now brings over $80k into her business every single month. 

“Jenni’s strategies all work. She is no-nonsense. It all just works, but you have to do the work! I am her high achiever, and it's because I just do all the things she says, and I don't question it or worry about it or have to think about it. I just jump all in.”

Still Feeling Skeptical?

If you're reading this and raising an eyebrow, I love that about you. You are a thinker. And I get it, running a business can be hard AF, and if this sounds too easy, you're probably wondering, "What's the catch, Jenni?" All my best students asked the same question before jumping in (and then went on to scale TF out of their businesses).

The catch is this: You have to show up and do the work. Yep, you don't get anything just by enrolling (sorry, not sorry).

YOU have to watch the trainings and implement the information. 

YOU have to fill in the blanks on the copy templates. 

YOU have to plug and play your branding and images into the design templates.

 YOU have to show up to the coaching calls and speak up about what's holding you back.

I don't do the work for you. Our coaches don't do the work for you.

Buttttt…The great news? I've simplified the hell out of my programs—no extra work, no fluff, just what you need to get results.

So, yes, there's technically a "catch." You DO have to show up and do the work. But if you can hold up your end of the bargain, my coaches and I will support you every step of the way.




Here’s What 

Scale Your Business and Become the Badass Entrepreneur You Were Always Mean To Be

you get to…


I am giving you my proven, tried, and tested lead and sales generation system that is the secret weapon behind my business success and the success of all my students. So, unfortunately, I can't spell it out for you here (it's a secret). What I can tell you is that you'll receive the exact system that we all use (hint: think about how you found me and how you ended up on this page…) and all the templates and step-by-step tutorials you need to set it up for your own coaching business.



With your automated sales system, enrolling students becomes a simple process. You won't have to show up every day (hell, yes), burn out during a live launch, or get on sales calls (stay in those PJs all day). All you need is an irresistible offer and a convincing sales copy in place. Once these are set up, your system will do most of the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to close sales in the DMs while doing whatever you want because you have time to live your life now. 



You know that shitty voice in your head that makes you doubt how freakin talented you are? It leaves you wondering, can *I* do this? How *exactly* does this work? Do I *deserve* this much money? *Insert YOUR mean-ass inner thoughts here.*
All of our lessons, resources, and coaching support come together to help you get over whichever thoughts pop up at any given moment so that you can scale your coaching business on autopilot and bring in multiple 6-figures a year. Is that good with you?



The tech is the #1 THING that holds people back from automating their lead generation and sales system (it is enough to make you throw your laptop into the trash, I get it). But if you can figure out how to work your new iPhone, this simple tech system will be no match for you. Our library of always-up-to-date tech tutorials holds you by the hand and walks you step-by-step through the creation and setup of your entire lead generation system. At no point will you be left to figure anything out on your own… pinky promise



We’ll have two live group coaching calls every month. All calls are mandatory, and cameras are on (we want to see you). During these calls, you will receive direct coaching and feedback so that you can move forward and fast-track your success. The best thing about these calls is that you get to see others being coached and hear the advice they're being given, which will also help you on your journey. You'll have breakthroughs, get unstuck, receive validation on your big ideas, and hop off these calls feeling inspired AF to go out and crush your goals.



Plus (yes, I can’t believe there is more either)

Fill-in-the-blank copy templates (sales page, messaging templates, workshops, and more)


You also get…

You’re not a copywriter, a tech guru, an offer expert, or a designer… and luckily for you, you don’t need to become an expert on these things. I’ve compiled every single resource you’ll need on your journey, prepared by an actual expert, so implementation is as easy as humanly possible.

You get… 

Plug-and-play design templates (slides, opt-in pages, sales pages, and more)

Sales scripts and objection-handling resources

One-click automations (so you don’t have to build them yourself!)

And more! Trust me: you’re not starting from scratch anywhere.


You could just keep doing the same things. Or you could wake up to new sales and more zeroes in your bank account—all without sacrificing your time, life, or sanity. This mastermind is your ticket to six-figure success and a life of freedom. That vacation you want to take? You could. That extra time with your family you miss? You can have it. That big splurge waiting in the cart of that website you love? You could buy it. The lifestyle you want with all your freakin soul? You can live it. 

Your new lifestyle and next

Your new lifestyle and


stream is waiting

for you

So stop dreaming and start doing. 


stream is


The (Master)Mind

I'm Jenni, the no-fluff, zero-bull-shit eastcoaster who wants to help you make more money than you ever thought was possible. 

And guess what? While I scaled my business to seven figures, I had to hit my breaking point first. I used to work 50-hour work weeks, have backaches from hunching over my laptop (I am basically an investor for Advil), and spend every waking moment trying to find and book clients. 

It sucked. But once I discovered the secret to scaling (while staying sane), it all changed for me. 

But hold up. I know It's NOT actually about the money.

It's about the f*cking freedom that comes with it.

The freedom to work from anywhere in the world with Wifi.

The freedom to spend every Friday - Sunday with my husband and kids doing whatever we want.

The freedom to own our dream home and send our kids to private school.

The freedom to take a 1/2 day and go out to lunch on a random Tuesday or go on a last-minute girl's trip to Mexico.

And that's exactly what I intend to help you achieve inside the Next Level Mastermind.


Ready To Trade the Hustle for Freedom?

That one bro marketing guy on IG says you have to hustle and work your ass off to make a lot of money, and I call bullshit. Because you already put in the work and probably did it the hard way. Now, you get to invite some ease and fun into your business.

So, you get to choose. 

Keep on keepin' on with the hard way: Trade your hours for dollars, client consults, run from one project to the next (crossing your fingers you didn't miss anything), experience exhaustion and burnout, and make a decent fistful of cash each year… 


You could: Follow a proven roadmap and build an online business while signing clients on autopilot. You could close sales in the DMs, send checkout links while hitting up Starbucks for your morning cup of ambition, and have your inbox poppin' off with payment notifications every single week.

What’s it going to be?


Is This Right For You?

Well, you made it this far (and I am damn proud). If you are still wondering if this is for you, let’s get into it. 

The Next Level Mastermind is for you if you understand that this isn’t a 1:1 coaching program but a mastermind group where you’ll learn, grow, and support one another throughout the journey. 

You’re a go-getter who takes accountability and doesn’t wait to be told what to do next. You’re willing to take risks if it means more freedom in your business. You’re ready to step out of your comfort zone, take action, and commit to playing with the big kids who are making shit happen. You’re a service-based female entrepreneur who’s ready to massively scale to multiple six figures and beyond in the next six months. If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this page, chances are, the Next Level Mastermind is exactly what you need to take your business to the next level!

So what are you waiting for?


I’m not gonna sugar coat it — there’s work involved here. I can’t say how many hours you have to put in per week, because that’s up to you. Some people dive in and spend 10 hours a week, others spend one hour per week. 


I've never coached before, is this for me?

Yes! If you have any form of knowledge, skills or experience that you can share with others in the form of an online course, coaching program or workshop ... this can work for you!


I'm not good with tech. Will this work for me?

You don’t need to be “good” with tech! All you need to be able to do is follow step-by-step video tutorials, and ask for help if you ever get stuck.


how long do I get access to the mastermind?

You have lifetime access to the lessons and all templates and materials, 6 bi-monthly live coaching calls and our private channel for support and feedback Monday - Thursday.


Includes lifetime access to all trainings and materials, plus 6 months of group coaching calls and daily support M-Th.

$10k 8k

pay in full

apply now

Includes lifetime access to all trainings and materials, plus 6 months of group coaching calls and daily support M-Th.



apply now

Includes lifetime access to all trainings and materials, plus 6 months of group coaching calls and daily support M-Th.



apply now

"Just take the plunge."

"Working with Jenni truly changed not only my business, but my life. Just take the plunge. You won't regret it."

- Vanessa R.

"After just 3 months inside Jenni's program I had a $36,000 launch!"

"Using Jenni's strategies, I've brought in over $350k in my first year of coaching! Before joining Jenni's program, I tried to DIY my first launch but it completely flopped.

- Megan

"I sold over $13k in workshop seats!"

"Within 3 weeks of the program, I've launched twice since, and hired my husband to work with me! Thank you Jenni!"

 - Ashlea

Let’s F*cking Go!

The only thing left to do is... apply for your spot in the Next Level Mastermind!

This is your chance to break through to that next level you've been dreaming of. I'm already picturing the moment when you message me, saying, "I just got my first enrollment!"—and trust me, there's no better feeling. And wouldn't it be even sweeter if it's a pay-in-full client? There are NO LIMITS to what's possible when you fully commit to scaling your business, surrounded by a powerhouse community that's got your back every step of the way. So let's f*cking goooo! A whole new life is waiting for you.